Vision, Mission & Objectives
Vision ⟶
Our vision is to serve global communities of businesses and consumers. We will accomplish our vision though the successful implementation of an accreditation System for conformity assessment bodies and further education & training institutions those are responsible, responsive and recognized to demonstrate that their business critical processes are competent, professional and ethical resulting in value addition to our stakeholders.
Mission ⟶
To promote advancement of SQAM (Standardization, Quality, and Accreditation & Metrology), which protect the interest of the Global Communities of Businesses & Consumers.
Objectives ⟶
To establish itself as a lead non-government - private sector trade support institution as per the policy of international trade center (UNCTAD/WTO) to provide a proactive, transparent, impartial and credible accreditation and recognition to conformity assessment service providers in the field of quality, environmental, sustainability, occupational health & safety, food safety, information security & technology, testing, calibration, research ..... and education service providers globally.
To accredit organizations in accordance with trade and industry accepted criteria, international standards, guides and other normative documents and continue to comply itself with the relevant international criteria.
To cooperate with national and international peer organizations on the conditions for accreditation and issues relating to accreditation as per the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade to ensure that regulations, standards, testing, certification and accreditation procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles.